When applying to scholarships on Going Merry, you may come across a scholarship page that has a gray INELIGIBLE button or an orange CHECK ELIGIBILITY button where you're normally able to start your application.
These are indicators that either you're missing information from your Going Merry profile OR the information that is listed in your profile means you're ineligible to apply to the scholarship.
What to do if a scholarship says you're Ineligible or to Check Eligibility.
What to do if a scholarship says you're Ineligible or to Check Eligibility.
1. Make sure your profile is completely and accurately filled out.
Going Merry matches you with scholarships that you’re eligible for based on the information that you add to your profile. If your profile is as complete and accurate as possible, the more scholarship matches you’ll have! If you’re trying to apply to a scholarship and see an orange Check Eligibility button instead of a green Start Application button, it’s likely that your Going Merry profile is missing information. If see a gray Ineligible button, it's likely that the information in your Going Merry profile does not meet the scholarship's eligibility requirements.
Check out this support article to find out how to update and edit your profile.
2. Find out what's missing from your profile or what's making you ineligible to apply by scrolling down to the Eligibility Requirements section of the scholarship webpage.
Here you will be able to see exactly why you are not eligible or unable to start the application. After scrolling to the Eligibility Requirements section, look at the far right column with the header Are you Eligible?.
If the information in your profile meets the scholarship's requirements, there will be a green check mark and a Yes next to that eligibility requirement under Are you Eligible?
If the information in your profile does not meet the scholarship's requirements, there will be a red cross and a No under Are you Eligible?
If the scholarship says you're INELIGIBLE, that likely means the information in your profile doesn't meet the eligibility requirements of the scholarship. For example, if the scholarship is open to applicants who have a GPA of 3.9 or higher, but you have a GPA of 3.0 listed in your profile, you're not eligible to apply as you do not have a GPA of 3.9 or higher.
If the scholarship says CHECK ELIGIBILITY, that likely means the scholarship has a requirement related to a profile question you haven't answered yet.
Hover over "Yes" or "No" and an option to Edit will appear. Edit your profile to enter additional information into your profile so the database can determine if you're eligible to apply.
Learn more about the eligibility statuses in this support article.
What to do if you review the scholarship's eligibility requirements and find that you are eligible to apply.
What to do if you review the scholarship's eligibility requirements and find that you are eligible to apply.
1. If you are being shown that you do not meet one of the requirements for the scholarship, and you know that you are eligible, you can change the information in your profile to match the requirement.
1. If you are being shown that you do not meet one of the requirements for the scholarship, and you know that you are eligible, you can change the information in your profile to match the requirement.
To do that, scroll down to the Eligibility Requirements section of the scholarship webpage, hover over the requirement you need to update, and click Edit.
A popup box will appear where you can update your information. Once you edit your information, click Save.
(Note: after making your edits, you may need to refresh the scholarship webpage for the changes to reflect on the webpage).
You may also be directed to your Profile to edit your information. Edit your information in your Profile, return to the scholarship webpage, and refresh the page to see your changes.
Be sure to check all of the eligibility criteria and make it as up-to-date as possible!
Once all of the requirements under the Are You Eligible? section have a green checkmark and a Yes, you should be able to apply for the scholarship.
If you have all green checkmarks under the Eligibility Requirements section, scroll up to the the top of the scholarship webpage and START APPLICATION should be in green.
2. Make sure you are viewing our site using the most updated version of your web browser or the Going Merry Mobile App.
2. Make sure you are viewing our site using the most updated version of your web browser or the Going Merry Mobile App.
You can find instructions here on how to update your web browser. It also never hurts to clear your cache and cookies while you are at it.
Once you have updated your browser or app, you'll need to refresh the page, log out (if you haven't already) and log back in to see if you are now eligible.