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[Counselors] What do the statuses on the FAFSA® dashboard mean?
[Counselors] What do the statuses on the FAFSA® dashboard mean?

Learn more about the FAFSA® Tracking Dashboard in your counselor account.

Written by Eleanna Garcia
Updated over 11 months ago

The FAFSA® dashboard summarizes and displays your students' FAFSA® statuses.

🎥 View a walkthrough video of the FAFSA® dashboard below.

The Summary Stats section at the top of the dashboard lists general FAFSA® stats for the seniors at your school. Your students must sign up for Going Merry accounts so they appear in your stats and on your dashboard.

The first tile, Seniors on Going Merry🎓, displays the number of seniors at your school with Going Merry accounts.

The second tile, Not Started😵, displays the number of seniors who have not submitted their FAFSA® proof of completion (or waiver, or state aid form).

The third tile, Completed, Not Confirmed⚠️, displays the number of seniors who have submitted their proof of FAFSA® completion but their proof still needs to be verified by a counselor.

The last tile, Completed & Confirmed✅, displays the number of seniors that have submitted their proof and a counselor has verified and confirmed the proof.

Under the Summary Stats section is the student list table. This is where you will see the names and email addresses of the seniors at your school and it's where you will be able to view and verify the FAFSA® proof students submit.

If you have a lot of students or want to search for a particular student, use the search bar to search for a student by name, email address, or student ID number (if your school uses student ID numbers).

You can also use the Arrange by: filter to the right of the search bar to filter your list by student Last Name or by Latest Proof Uploaded.

Under the 📝 Completion Status column, students' statuses will either be ✅ Completed or 😵 Not Started.

A ✅ Completed status means a student has uploaded their FAFSA® proof.

A 😵 Not Started status means a student has not uploaded their FAFSA® proof.

Under the 🧐 Proof Confirmed column, students' statuses will either be

✅ Confirmed or ⚠️ Not Yet Confirmed.

A ✅ Confirmed status means a student uploaded their proof and a counselor at

your school verified and confirmed this proof.

A ⚠️ Not Yet Confirmed status means a student has uploaded their proof but a

counselor at your school has not verified or confirmed the proof.

If the Review Proof button is grayed out, that means the student has not uploaded proof yet.

To view the proof students uploaded, click the green Review Proof button to the right of a student's name.

A preview of the FAFSA® proof the student submitted is displayed. To take a closer look at the proof or print/download + save the proof, click the Download Proof button in the bottom left corner.

If the proof is acceptable, click the green Confirm Submission button in the bottom right corner. Close out of the preview (using the X Close button in the top right corner) and in the background, the student's status will update from Not Yet Confirmed to Confirmed.

You (and other counselors) can always view and print/download the confirmed proof after clicking Confirm Submission.

If you made a mistake or wish to undo confirmation, click the green Review Proof button again:

Then click the gray Undo Confirmation button on the lower right-hand side of the preview:

Once you confirm proof, students cannot delete the proof.

If students did not upload the appropriate proof, do not confirm the submission. Contact the student and inform them that they must upload valid documentation of FAFSA® completion. They can delete the proof they uploaded and resubmit valid proof.

Students can delete the proof they've uploaded if it has not been confirmed by a counselor. Again, once you confirm the proof, it cannot be deleted.

State Aid Forms and Waivers/Opt-out Forms

If you live in a state that offers State Aid forms (for example, TASFA, CA Dream Act, etc.) students will be able to upload proof that they completed their State Aid form and it will appear on your dashboard and in your stats.

The same goes for Waivers/Opt-out Forms. Students in states that have FAFSA® Waivers/Opt-out Forms can also upload these forms and they will be displayed on your dashboard and in your stats.

To download the information from your FAFSA® dashboard, click the Download CSV/PDF button in the top right corner.

From the drop-down menu, select whether you want to download a CSV file of FAFSA® information or if you want to download PDF versions of the FAFSA® proof that students submitted.

The Students' Completion Status Table (CSV) displays the student's name, email address, last login, student ID number (if your school uses student ID numbers), the FAFSA® year, and FAFSA® status of the students on your dashboard in a CSV file.

There are a few different FAFSA® statuses that will appear on the CSV, depending on a student's FAFSA® status:

• A green Completed (Confirmed) status means the student submitted their proof of FAFSA® completion and a counselor verified and confirmed this proof.

• A green State Aid Form (Confirmed) status means the student submitted proof that they completed their State Aid form and a counselor verified and confirmed this proof.

• A green Waiver (Confirmed) status means the student submitted proof that they completed a FAFSA® waiver/opt-out form and a counselor verified and confirmed this proof.

• An orange Completed (Not Confirmed) status means a student uploaded their proof of completion but a counselor has not confirmed it.

• A blank status means the student has not submitted proof of completion.

Tip: You are encouraged to filter and sort the columns on the CSV file to organize and track your students' FAFSA® statuses.

The download All Students' Proof (ZIP of PDFs) option allows you to download the document that students submitted as proof of completion. The proof will be in PDF format.

You will also receive a PDF document (also called a FAFSA® Completion Summary) that summarizes when the proof was submitted, what type of proof was submitted (whether it was proof of FAFSA® completion, completion of a state aid form, or completion of a waiver/opt-out form), the name and email address of the counselor that verified the proof, and the date the counselor confirmed the proof.

When you click download All Students' Proof (ZIP of PDFs), a ZIP folder of student FAFSA® information will download. In the folder, each student will have their own file:

As mentioned above, in each student file there will be two documents:

  1. FAFSA® Completion Summary

  2. FAFSA® Proof - the actual document the student submitted as proof

FAFSA® Completion Summary example:

You can print these forms, which is especially helpful if your school or district requires paper documentation of FAFSA® completion, or download the PDFs and save them to a student's digital file.

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