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Help articles for counselors using our Counselor Portal to assist their students
[Counselors] I’m a counselor, how does Going Merry help me?
[Counselors] Can I update my school information without creating a new account?
[Counselor] Can I change my account email address?
[Counselors] How long does it take for my account to be activated?
[Counselor] I can't find my school while signing up, how can I add it?
[Counselor] Can I have two or more schools attached to my Counselor Account?
[Counselors] Are other counselors at our school able to sign up with Going Merry?
[Counselor] What do I do if I never received an email to verify my account?
[Counselor] Can counselors at international high schools outside of the US create counselor accounts?
[Counselors] How do I display my scholarships on my website?
[Counselors] Can I search for a specific student on my student list? Can I filter my student list based on class year?
[Counselors] How do I invite my students?
[Counselors] Can I invite my Google Classroom?
[Counselors] How are my students linked to my account?
[Counselors] Why can't I see a student on my dashboard?
[Counselors] Some of my students who set up accounts using my referral link are not showing up on my student dashboard. How can I fix this?
[Counselors] How do I track what scholarships my students have applied to?
[Counselors] Where can I download flyers to give out to students or parents?
[Counselors] How do I hide or remove students from my dashboard or my school's dashboard?
[Counselors] How do I unhide or re-list students in my counselor account?
[Counselors] How do I upload my students’ transcripts or recommendation letters?
[Counselors] Can I delete the transcript or recommendation letter I uploaded to a student's account?
[Counselors] When should I upload letters of recommendation and transcripts?
[Counselors] Are recommendation letters confidential?
[Counselors] My student dashboard shows that I have missing letters of recommendation and transcripts for all students. What does that mean?